Allied Disciplines
GB Sporter Air Rifle - & Sporters Postal Comp
UKPSA Mini Rifle - Shot using compact .22LR semi-automatic rifles, as well as being very challenging in its own right, Mini Rifle is a great (and economical) way to practice for IPSC Rifle and IPSC PCC. With targets out to 100m as well as at close range it is a great test of marksmanship and quick gun handling.
UKPSA Action Air - Action Air has become popular since IPSC formally recognised it as a discipline, and there are several UKPSA sanctioned matches held throughout the year. With less bang and shorter distances, speed and accuracy are the order of the day for Action Air Shooting, but safety is of course always a prime concern. Action Air also provides an excellent way to learn important skills should you decide to participate in other disciplines that use firearms.
Steel Plate Challenges - Falling plate target shooting competitions Enter Here
Speed Steels - &
Gallery Rifle - The Gallery Rifle and Pistol (GR&P) or just Gallery Rifle (GR) disciplines cover events shot at short and medium distances by various rifles and pistols using pistol calibre cartridges. Many of the events are classified so competitors shoot against others of similar ability. Open meetings are held the National Shooting Centre, Bisley (NSC) and at club ranges around the country. Competitors can take part at all levels from club through to international.
Target Sprint - is the internationally recognised air rifle discipline that combines running with target shooting.