Rifle Cant
Gun cant is a term used in the shooting sports to describe when a firearm is not held level to the ground. This can happen when the shooter is not paying attention to the alignment of the gun, or when they are holding the gun incorrectly. In target shooting, gun cant can have a significant impact on accuracy and consistency, and it is important for shooters to be aware of and avoid it.
When a gun is canted, the barrel is not pointing straight at the target. This can cause the bullet to impact the target in a different location than intended, leading to a loss of points or a miss. Even a small amount of cant can make a significant difference in where the bullet impacts the target, especially at longer distances.
One of the biggest challenges of avoiding gun cant is maintaining consistency in your shooting technique. If you change your grip, stance, or body position between shots, you may inadvertently introduce cant into your shooting. It is important to practice your shooting technique and make adjustments to your stance and grip until you find a comfortable, repeatable position that minimizes gun cant.
Another key factor in avoiding gun cant is paying attention to the alignment of your gun while shooting. Some shooters may find it helpful to use a level or other tool to ensure that their gun is level to the ground. Others may prefer to use visual cues, such as the position of the sights or the angle of the gun relative to the horizon.
In addition to affecting accuracy, gun cant can also lead to inconsistency in shot placement. When a shooter is not holding the gun level, the recoil of the gun can cause the shooter to subconsciously adjust their aim, leading to a different point of impact on the target. This can make it difficult to achieve consistent, repeatable results.
To avoid gun cant in target shooting, it is important to develop good shooting technique and maintain consistency in your shooting position. This may require practice and experimentation with different grip, stance, and body position options until you find a comfortable, repeatable position that minimizes gun cant. By paying attention to the alignment of your gun and making adjustments as needed, you can achieve greater accuracy and consistency in your target shooting.