The Precision Position (Standing)

Standing target rifle shooting is a challenging discipline that requires a great deal of skill, focus, and practice. One of the most important aspects of standing shooting is the precision position, which is the stance that shooters adopt to achieve maximum stability and accuracy. In this article, we'll discuss the importance of the precision position in standing target rifle shooting, and provide some tips on how to develop a strong and effective position.

What is the Precision Position in Standing Shooting?

The precision position in standing target rifle shooting is a stable and consistent stance that allows the shooter to maintain accuracy and stability while standing. The position involves several key elements, including a balanced and upright posture, a stable grip on the rifle, and a solid base of support on the ground.

Why is the Precision Position Important in Standing Shooting?

The precision position is critical in standing shooting for several reasons. First and foremost, it allows the shooter to achieve maximum stability and accuracy. By adopting a consistent and stable stance, the shooter can maintain control over the rifle and minimize the impact of external factors such as wind, uneven terrain, or changes in lighting conditions.

Secondly, the precision position helps to minimize the effects of recoil. In standing shooting, the recoil of the rifle can be a significant challenge, especially for novice shooters. A strong and stable precision position can help to absorb the recoil and prevent the shooter from losing their balance or grip on the rifle.

Finally, the precision position can help to improve the shooter's mental game. By adopting a consistent and stable stance, the shooter can develop a sense of confidence and control over the shooting process, which can help to reduce anxiety and stress.

How to Develop a Strong Precision Position in Standing Shooting

Developing a strong and effective precision position in standing shooting requires practice and patience. Here are a few tips to help you develop your position:


The precision position is an essential aspect of standing target rifle shooting. It provides stability, accuracy, and control over the shooting process, allowing the shooter to achieve their best performance. By practicing regularly and developing a strong and effective position, you can improve your standing shooting skills and become a better shooter overall. Remember to start with a stable base, maintain an upright posture, grip the rifle firmly, position the rifle correctly, and practice regularly to develop a strong and effective precision position.